I help people articulate the philosophy governing their thoughts, and leave it to them whether to preserve or change it.

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Testimonial on Coaching from Ibrahim K.

What Christophe offers… has changed my life… I’ve never felt so understood in my
conversations with anyone as I have with Christophe… With the gentleness of a trusted guide,
he takes me into the uncharted valleys of my mind, and I leave each session having found
something new of myself. His extensive knowledge of philosophy is a tool he uses with surgical
precision… I can’t think of a single thing that I’ve done that has had a greater impact on my mental well-being and personal development.

Philosophy Coaching is for Everyone

We are all born philosophers before the pressures placed upon us through our social universe take away that precious gift. Everyone can tap back into their philosophical side at almost any time. Why? Because philosophy, and especially in a coaching setting, is just a form of deep thinking about your life. You are immersed in a culture, time, and place that carries philosophical assumptions into your daily experience, you cultivate your own assumptions and you can challenge them at any time. If you are in darkness or doubt, philosophy may show you the light of your own being. If things are going really well, it may be fun to explore how you shaped your life. If you are a philosopher, or non philosopher, philosophy coaching can be rewarding.

Philosophy Coaching can Liberate You

In life, the key to freedom is to be the author of your own experiences. But how can that be done if you don’t know what you are writing or what you’ve written in the past? It may be tempting to spend life adrift in a sea of desires, impulses, and external impositions which move us without us moving ourselves. Liberation is precisely the moment you break free from those controls over you by identifying what you care about and why you care about it. Consider whether you can pursue freedom if you’ve never worked out a picture of what freedom means and whether you can pursue love if you haven’t analyzed the contours of true love. How can you escape the fear of death if you just accept the biological pressure to fear it? Philosophy coaching will open up your deepest thoughts and empower you to make new decisions or affirm old ones so that you can compose your own life.

Philosophical Coaching might be for You

The dialogue surrounding what I do may lead to the misinterpretation that I am in competition with psychiatrists and therapists. On the contrary, I encourage people I coach to seek professional help in the relevant domains. However, I do not uniquely work with people in pain who are looking to heal themselves through thinking more clearly. Coaching is truly for any one who either feels confused, or curious or simply wants to explore their thoughts.

Coaching Testimonial (Anonymous)

The most important thing I learned in Christophe’s philosophic coaching sessions is that words are important. I have always had trouble finding the right words to explain how I feel. Christophe has a talent to do exactly that. He finds the exact words to express emotions and feelings which I could not have done without his guidance. Thanks to this, I started looking at my problems from a different point of view. He will provoke you to ask yourself challenging questions to get a philosophical understanding of the issue at hand, while he uses his immense knowledge of philosophy to guide you to find answers.

His sessions are not meant to be used in lieu of therapy, but they will provoke new thoughts, and help you understand that many great thinkers have thought about the exact same issue you are pondering and that you can use their work to find compassion.

Academic Coaching Testimonial (Anonymous)

I cannot recommend Christophe’s services enough… from the first session I immediately saw a glimpse of the full potential of Christophe… He was able to understand why I was not performing the way I wanted and what he could do to help me. I trusted his intelligence and extensive academic knowledge of philosophy and I embarked on a full academic journey with him where he taught me how to concisely study, how to absorb the material I was reading, and most importantly how to deliver quality essays for my assignments. After a couple of sessions.. I finally found new confidence and happiness that led me to achieve my goals.